Large Format, Plan Scanning Services
- Construction projects generate a large quantity and diverse formats of plans requiring long and permanent retention.
- Local governments and approving authorities have plans submitted to them of all sizes, types and quality creating problems of storage, indexing and access.
Scanning there large format drawing and plans can play an important part in ensuring plans and drawings are secure and available over the long term and accessible at the lowest possible cost.
SFBay Data Entry Scanning Services operate latest wide format scanning systems to produce high quality images of plans and documents. Document can be scanned in Bi-tonal (B&W), Gray Scale, or Full Color and the output can be either in TIFF, JPEG or PDF, as requested.
Each plan or drawing is referenced with appropriate information such as drawing number and revision; project number and name; development application number. For any organizations using Document Management Systems, the metadata can be provided in any format mapped to your input fields. Images and metadata can be provide on a DVD, CD, Portable Hard Drive, or delivered via Secure FTP Connection.
SFBay Data Entry provide plan scanning services for Local Governments, State Governments, PWD Departments, County Departments, and private corporations, with typical application of Large Format Scanning including
- Architectural Plans
- Electrical, Plumbing and Service Plans
- As Built Drawings
- Surveys and Maps
- Engineering Drawings
- Development Applications
- Newspaper Scanning
For a no obligation trial and a free estimate, and to discover how we can assist you in the Large Format Scanning Services or for pricing on our Large Format Scanning Services, please Contact Us or Call us Toll Free at (855) 722-6669[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]