Need More Office Space ? Are you still wasting time looking for Documents ?
Outsource all your Back-File Scanning to SFBay Data Entry and Document Scanning Services !
SFBay Data Entry Scanning Services deploys state-of-art hardware for all document scanning and imaging solutions. We have the in house capability to quickly convert large volumes of documents into electronic format, we can scan almost anything
- Standard paper Scanning
- Legal Documents
- Form Scanning and Data Entry
- Photo Scanning
- Transparency and Negative Scanning
- Large Format Scanning for Maps, Engineering Drawings, and Plans.
- Book Scanning and OCR
- Ultra Modern and Secure Facility
We have the ability to output images to any format our clients request and can provide the images onto any tyoe of deliverable media ( i.e. CD, DVD, Hard Drive) or even secure electronic transfer (SFTP), if required, and requested.
If you are looking to convert your paper files to any digital format, we offer affordable, high-quality document scanning solutions at our secure conversion facility here in the SF Bay Area. Our Specific services include
Plan Scanning Service, Bank Statement Scanning, Title Document Scanning, Insurance Form Scanning, Kids Artwork Scanning, Magazine Scanning, Tax Records Scanning, Receipts and Bill Scanning, School District Document Scanning, Student Record Scanning, Document Imaging, Large Format Scanning, Genealogy Scanning, Laboratory Notebook Scanning, Test Report Scanning, Radiology Report Scanning
Our Service :
If you are looking to convert your paper files to a digital format, we offer affordable, high quality document scanning & digitizing services at our secure conversion facility here in the San Francisco Bay Area. our Services include document-scanning, architectural drawing scanning to any electronic format.
Scanning Benefits :
Easy access to all your documents and significant savings in time and money. Companies who convert their documents to a digital format are better able to find the right information at the right time, increasing the employee’s efficiency and ability to work faster, to more productive and make better decisions.
SFBay Data Entry Scanning Services has extensive experience in all types of document conversion projects. We have highly skilled and local facility and offer most competitive pricing. No Matter the size of your job, we would like the opportunity to talk to you and give you a free Estimate. By chossing SFBay Data Entry Scanning Services, you can be assured that your documents are in safe hands, and are handled with utmost care. To see what are customers say about our services, CLICK HERE .
For pricing on the following services, please Contact Us for a free estimate or Call us Toll Free at (855) 722-6669.
- Document Scanning
- Record Scanning
- Architectural and Engineering Drawing Scanning
- OCR and Searchable PDF’s